
This list showcases some of the selected research, course and independent projects I have worked on during my career.

TONY - 17-DOF Small Sized Humanoid robot

Jan 2019 - Dec 2019 Research Project

A 17 DOF Humanoid Robot created as part of the undergraduate Project as a research platform to test different algorithms for humanoid robot. The robot is capable of simple actions like walking and turning. New gaits can be generated using matlab trajectory sequences and the inverse kinematic function. The robot can be controlled serially using an bluetooth device.

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Explodroid - SLAM Robot

May 2017 - Jul 2018 Research Project

A mobile robot inspired by the TurtleBot to perform and develop SLAM Algorithms. It uses a XBOX Kinect Camera to sense environments and uses an Intel Celeron based NUC commputer as its brain. The robot can map and autonomously navigate between two points in an environment

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CR-4, A Remote Controlled Cleaning Robot

2014 Independent Project

This was one of my first robots which I built in 2014 after getting inspired by the Pixar Robot Wall-e to conduct trivial tasks like sweeping the floor. It is remotely controlled using a Playstation Controller. As the cleaning mechanism uses a physical brush, it consumes less power than vaccumm robots.

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